I been thinking of all kind of concepts for I Am Rebel so needless to say I'm still gonna hit my juicing diet, but here we go with the energy drinks.
No excuses I Am Rebel didn't meet the release date because I didn't feel like I did all I can do with the album. See the idea of the album came from a independent perspective. Selling my music my way has been my entire career and even though I had to make my money all over the place, I never wanna pretend I'm rich. No support means you get what you pay for, but being creative is how problems get solutions in my life. So the new and final release date for I Am Rebel is 2/7/2014.
The other things is I'm going to bundle merch, but I'm also going to do videos to go with my songs and make them available for purchase, and you'll be able to view them on http://youtube.com/playarabbit so make sure you stay tuned because