Monday, February 25, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Support I Am Rebel Expect more music by month end
I took time away from shows to get back to the music. I'm planning on a lot & I need all my focus, but I'm still gonna do the promotion on to help out artist & small businesses by only charging $5 per promotion.
I'm looking for freelance workers so I'll keep you posted on jobs I need done. I wanna take a different approach with the Official I'm So Playa music video so I'm gonna take a different approach but if you local in Fort Worth, Dallas. Area and you wanna be part of the music video just reply and when the shooting date comes up I'll contact youby email. I wanna hear your ideas for contest, music, concerts or whatever let me know your brainstorms, help me take my music worldwide I know together we can do it.
Motivation is something we can spread, but you gotta have it or find it in you before you can motivate others, & sometimes you have to take a little & spread it so it becomes a lot.
Let's Get it!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Book Playa Rabbit 4 a Show!!!
I'm really gonna push to get to a city near you. Right now i'm working on my region but I plan to expand the range this year. But I need your help by purchasing my music, downloading my mixtapes & sharing them with friends, or whatever you can do to contribute to the I Am Rebel Movement.
Friday, February 15, 2013
So Much music....
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The Amazing Playa Rabbit
Its been a crazy week, & I'm just gettin started. More music coming real soon, also new mixtapes for $1 download, new shirts & hats, of course music videos and more performances are in the future but all in good time